Rabu, 22 Jan 2025
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National Teacher’s Day 2023 Ceremony

The solemn ambiance prevailed over the North field of Al-Amanah Modern Islamic Boarding School as both students and instructors from Integrated Bilingual Middle School-Integrated Bilingual Middle School 2 earnestly participated in the event on the Saturday morning of November 25th, 2023. This ceremony stood out from the routine Saturday gatherings, presenting a stark contrast. Ordinarily, students assumed the roles of ceremonial officers, yet on National Teachers’ Day in 2023, the teachers wholeheartedly undertook these responsibilities.

Gus Muhammad Ulil Albab, S.Pd.I., Head of Bilingual Integrated Middle School 2 and the overseer of the ceremony, expressed gratitude towards the teachers who diligently fulfilled their roles at the commencement of his address. He highlighted that November 25th, 2023, was designated as National Teachers’ Day, a day where the Indonesian government recognized and valued the contributions of educators. Teachers were depicted as exemplary role models, sources of inspiration, and altruistic heroes. Gus Ulil also emphasized the teachings in Islam that stress the significance of honoring and revering teachers. He reiterated that technology could never supplant the pivotal role played by teachers. The morning ceremonies concluded with the acknowledgment of exceptional teachers.

Hoping that this year’s National Teacher’s Day, themed “Moving Together to Celebrate Freedom of Learning,” would be effectively incorporated into both classroom and extracurricular learning experiences. Wishing a joyful National Teacher’s Day 2023 and extending heartfelt gratitude to all educators for their unmatched dedication. (AMS)

SMP Bilingual Terpadu 2